Hi I’m Aurailieus

I’m an artist and muralist based in St. Pete Florida and this is where artist normally get all fluffy with the keyboards and use weird sounding art words, like; Juxtaposition, chiaroscuro, inspiration influences and, well… and all kinds of nonsense, we are not doing that here.

Bottom line - I make some dope art! Thank you for seeing it somewhere and coming to the page to check out more. You are awesome. if you like my art you are absolutely going to go ape shit banana bonkers over my youtube channel ;p

(it’s basically me being incredibly weird and making art) you can find it here: my youtube channel Theres also a bunch of information for my fellow artists there as well.

Please consider being my patron on patreon -where you can directly support me and my art for like 2$ a month it’s super cool and canbe found here: My Patreon

For all questions comments or concerns (or mural gigs!!!) please reach out

at aurailieus.artist@gmail.com

